Wednesday, February 23, 2011


It was recently pointed out to me that I've been very unconcerned, blasé, and nonchalant about the whole MS thing.  It was also pointed out by another person that I have made it abundantly clear that I was tired of people making a big deal about me being diagnosed with M.S. 

I am well aware that people live full lives with MS.  I'm also well aware that it isn't a death sentence.  Furthermore, I'm a believer of mind over matter as well as garbage in garbage out.  I'm also a fighter so I'll battle MS with everything I've got.  I tell myself that this is really no big deal over and over.  It's just a speed bump along life's highway.  I tell people the same thing.

For anyone who actually reads my blog, please let me make this perfectly clear:  I am really scared to death by this diagnosis!  The last thing I want is pity, but at the same time, I don't want people to act as if everything is the same...because its not!   M.S. has consumed my life and it is always in the back of my mind.  Richard and I talk about it often.  I question if I'm doing things because of M.S.  If I've conveyed fearlessness in this, let me assure you that is very far from the truth.  Often times I bury my head in the sand when it comes to difficult things in my life.  But I'm afraid this is one thing that will still be there when I wipe off the sand.   

I realize that there really is a reason that I'm moody and antisocial.  I'm not the outgoing person I once was.  Some might laugh at that (talking about hubby here), but at one time, I was the first one out the door dragging anyone along who was available.  I'm also aware that there is a reason I can't remember crap ("cog fog" as 'they' call it) and sometimes say the wrong words.  There really is a reason I'm always stumbling into doorways and furniture.  The important thing is that people in my life realize these things aren't something I can control.

This blog is for me - not for you.  It is my one place to vent without criticism.  It's my one place to make notes for future reference as I can't ever remember anything. 

I'm really just trying to come to terms with all of this and don't mean to come across as neurotic or offend anyone. 

I'm just me. 


  1. I think you are brilliant and inspiring I love you and your attitude!

  2. Thanks for your comment Amber. I love you too and have for many years (going on 30 years before too long)!!!!
