Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I've noticed in the last couple of weeks that I'm not quite as dippy and my memory seems a little better!  I'm extremely optimistic about the Curcumin.  I've stopped all the other supplements and only taking the Curcumin that along with the Neurontin for itching.  I just couldn't take 27 pills a day - it was too much!  I felt like I rattled when I walked plus the supplements would make my tummy feel not so good.  But...I'm sticking with the Curcumin until the MRI in September!  I asked Richard the other day if he thought my memory seemed better and he said that yes, I didn't seem as dippy as earlier this year.  Woot!!!  It's not just me that is noticing the changes!  I've been able to remember things like reminding Richard to get ice, invoice customers, and my sister's anniversary.  I am still dealing with the itchies, but that's okay because I can pop the Neurontin and if it's really bad, a couple of Benydril.  I really hope and pray that the lesions are fading and I'm not getting new dings on my brain.  What a thing for the doctor to see based on my previous MRI and the fact that she knew nothing about Curcumin before I took her the information.  Heck, she might take my improved results and pass them on to MS experts!  If anyone is actually reading this blog, please say prayers for my brain and for this to work!

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